Grants available for



The Booster Club's mission is to promote and offer support to extra-curricular programs at Issaquah High School.  


Booster Club membership dues and donations provide funds for grants, scholarships, and student recognition events and awards.  Boosters can only help if asked!  Boosters encourage any extra-curricular (sanctioned and non-sanctioned sports and clubs) activity made up of 100% Issaquah High School students that has funding needs to submit grant requests. All Grant Requests start with ASB.  


Grants are reviewed at monthly Booster Club meetings from August - May.  The deadline to submit a grant is May 1st.  Please see below for guidelines.  Please note, the Booster Club needs to receive appropriate documentation in order to release approved grant funds.  This can include receipts, a quote or invoice.


Grant Request from General Boosters



Grantees are expected to support the following Booster Club initiatives and programs that provide the funds for Booster Grants.

1)  Membership:

a) Encourage annual membership to the families in your program.  
b) Promote the Booster Club within your program by displaying these two flyers: Booster Club Grant Recipient Sign and a Booster Club Flyer the classroom or program area students and families gather.   
c) Include a link to the Booster Club website on the program's website. 

2)  Logo-Wear Sales: programs accepting grants are expected to provide two (2) volunteers at one Logo-Wear sale event within 30 days of accepting granted funds.  The Logo-Wear Chair will reach out to grant recipients to select a mutually agreeable date.  



Booster Dollars at Work

The IHS Booster Club has provided grants to the following IHS programs in the 2024-2025 school year:

    • Athletic Department: Purchase of a scorer table
    • DECA International competition
    • Girls Basketball team event as part of the membership incentive for meeting 85% membership
    • Cheer as part of the membership incentive for meeting 85% membership
    • Senior banners for Special Olympic Athlete banners
    • Softball for the purchase and installation of netting along the first base line
    • Wrestling to help offset the costs of referees' for the Justice of All tournament
    • Girls Soccer state send-off

The IHS Booster Club has provided grants to the following IHS programs in the 2023-2024 school year:

    • School spirit - Boosters covered the entry fee for the first 20 IHS students to the first round of State for Boys Soccer
    • Cheer - for the purchase of new crowd involvement signs & a T-shirt Cannon
    • IVision - for an end of season celebration for the program
    • The Athletic department for the purchase of an IPad and Spotify to use at home games
    • LAX - to help offset the costs of transportation for JV & Varsity to away games
    • Wrestling - to help offset the costs of referee's for the upcoming 'Justice for All' tournament
    • For participation in ASB's Winter Wishes program
    • Girls & Boys Swim & Dive - portion of a new dive block
    • Volleyball - for new standards
    • Cheer - for the purchase of 5 new spirit flags
    • Boys Basketball - for the purchase of new uniforms for the C-team & practice jerseys
    • Girls Basketball - for the purchase of a new iPad for recording/reviewing film & to offset the costs of travel for a varsity tournament

During the 2022-2023 school year, the IHS Booster Club has already proudly supported the IHS students by funding the following grants:

    • Girls Golf: the purchase of 10 New Golf Bags and 25 New Golf Umbrellas
    • Boys & Girls Wrestling: funds to help pay for the cost of referees for the "Justice for All" tournament
    • All Indoor sports and ASB through the purchase of 30 new padded folding chairs, replacing the existing ones from the 1990's
    • Cheer: providing the funds needed for the purchase of new Pom Poms
    • Competitive Sports Med Team: $1000 to offset the increased costs of competitions.
    • DECA: $4500 to offset the travel costs for ICDC qualifiers (49 students=a new IHS record!)
    • Boys Lacrosse: $2100 to offset the costs for team transportation to away games 
    • Track & Field: $2700 to offset the travel costs for 30 athletes to attend the Oregon Relay
    • Baseball: $1000 towards the purchase of a new pitching machine

In the 2021-2022 school year, the Issaquah Booster Club has proudly supported ASB with a grant for new speakers, Cheer for camp deposits, School spirit for a new eagle mascot costume, wrestling to help fund  their first tournament and Lacrosse to fund transportation for away games, ASB/Athletic dept. funding for the purchase of new weight room equipment and football for new coaches' headsets & 20 new helmets.

During the 2020-2021 school year, the Issaquah High School Booster Club has proudly supported all ASB activities by funding a live streaming grant for JustAGameLive.

During the 2019-2020 school year, the Issaquah High School Booster Club has proudly supported Boys Golf, Issaquah Boys Lacrosse, Gymnastics, Track, and Football.  

During the 2018-2019 school year, the Issaquah High Booster Club proudly supported Boys Basketball, Boys Lacrosse, Choir, Wrestling, Robotics, Softball, DECA, Football, and Band! 


Booster Club Complete Funding History click here

Frequently Asked Questions click here